Heidi Hass Gable has done something special!
Here is her presentation, What I Want for My Children:
Her post simply says this:
My hope is that it will move you, it will motivate you,
it will make you think and it will inspire you to get involved in your child’s education,
to support your teachers and to be part of creating great schools!
Her subtitle: ‘Creating Great Schools — Together’ gets immediately to the heart of the matter.
The power of the message comes from the action she asks from parents…
… and what does she ask of teachers and all other educational partners? The exact same thing!
This comes shortly after the 5½ minute mark. This is what changes this video from a parent’s perspective to an educational partner’s perspective.
“If we want these things for our kids, then we have to do them for our teachers as well.”
Doing what’s best for our students, our kids, is what education is all about. It is what a collective WE want.
‘What I want for my children’ is a move in the right direction of meaningful collaboration that can only make our schools better.