Here is the ‘Parent’ version of my #RSCON presentation: Shifting Learning – What Did You Learn at School Today?
I did this presentation just a couple days before the Reform Symposium and it really is similar… Shorter, and with questions at the end geared more to parents than teachers, but essentially the same presentation.
You can find What Did You Learn at School Today on the DPAC43 YouTube Channel. Special thanks to Heidi Hass Gable for inviting me to speak at this parent conversation series.
What Did You Learn at School Today – Inquiry Based Learning
Here are the slides for the presentation.
Note that the video doesn’t start until the 7th slide.
Links related to the presentation:
- The Points of Inquiry model and Learning and Failure from my blog.
- I mentioned Stephen Downes, but forgot George Siemens‘ name when mentioning Connectivisim.
- Also, there are more links available in the slide show embedded above.
Feedback, as always, is much appreciated.
Who did you help today? By your series of questions you synthesize what you value in personal growth. David, I appreciate that you give voice to this in such a personal and sincere way. That “schooling” can become a part of this process, in the way we act upon children, and the way that they are given permission to react, is so refreshing to hear. Schooling must be about what matters, because the students themselves matter. Thank you for being a spokesperson and advocate for the hope that we must nurture in our children, for it is they are our hope for the future.