I made a sound recording of the presentation that I did at the Discovery Education YVR Ignite Session yesterday, and then I added the recording to my timed slides. This was an inspiring event, thank you to Dean Shareski for organizing it and providing me with the honour of presenting. I’ll have more to blog about this event later. Until then, here is my presentation.
Photo Credits (in order that they appear):
Title Photo: Kim Cope
Slide 1: ‘Monarch Butterfly On Flower’ by Ken Kistle
Slide 3: (Transforming) ‘Butterfly Fireworks’ by Daddy Oh – Eric, (Broken) ‘Broken Window – Colour’ by Devon Staffen
Slide 5/6: ‘Embracing Change’ by David Truss https://pairadimes.davidtruss.com/embracing-change/
Slide 7: (Streams) ‘The Delta’ by Evan Leeson, (Silos) ‘Auburn’ by Gary Sauer-Thompson
Slide 9: ‘Theme Nodes’ by Pouyan Khalili
Slide 10: (Scaffolding) ‘Acrobaticc!’ By fa73, (Standardization) ‘Underground’ by Nikos Koutoulas
Slide 11: ‘Points of Inquiry’ by The BC Teacher Librarian Association
Slide 12: (Journey) ‘Compass illustration’ by Alan Klim, (Destination) ‘leicester map 1610’ by zaphad1
Slide 15: ‘Inspiring Change’ by David Truss https://pairadimes.davidtruss.com/leading-change-3-images/
Slide 16: ‘Inspiring Change – Transform our metaphors’ by David Truss
Slide 17: ‘Attention vs Engagement’ – Both photos by David Truss
Slide 18: ‘Teaching-Learning scale’ by David Truss https://pairadimes.davidtruss.com/not-teaching-business-rather-learning-business/
Slide 20: ‘The Status Quo’ – Both images by David Truss https://pairadimes.davidtruss.com/challenging-the-status-quo/
Inspired by: Transforming Education (20 Minutes) – K12Online Conference 2011
Website: http://Trans4mEd.org (Video also available on YouTube.)
I thought that presentation really hit home with me. I have always said that learning should be more than just preparation for the next grade or college. As you said, learning is a great experience and teachers should be able to provide that experience for children. It was a great presentation and really provoked my thought process as I continue in my education degree.
Jesse Reed
Blog Address: http://reedjesseedm310.blogspot.com
Twitter: @jesseannreed94