Here is an Ignite presentation that I did in Delta on January 2oth, 2016, titled ‘Transforming Our Classrooms’.
It is based on the presentation ‘7 Ways to Transform Your Classroom‘, but squeezed into less than 5 minutes, after I describe what our team has been working on at Inquiry Hub Secondary School over the last three and a half years. The slide show presentation below goes into a lot more detail on the ‘7 ways’.
I plan to write more about the ignite presentation, above, at a later date… I want to expand on the idea of connecting with colleagues to help us learn and transform education. I plan to do this by showing how many people have impacted my learning in the making of the presentation (Like I did here with the Brave New World Wide Web video). I look forward to doing that soon!
And if you are interested, here is my previous Ignite Presentation, “Transforming Our Learning Metaphors“, where I look at the power of the words and metaphors that we choose to use, and hopefully not use, in education.
Feedback, as always, is appreciated!