Shifting Paradigms – Moving away from Pair-a-Dimes

Interested in,, and/or All 3 domains available. Contact @datruss on most socials. TLDR: I’m not publishing any more posts on my Pair-a-Dimes blog… But I write a short daily blog (1-3 minute reads) here: Daily-Ink. If you are a Pair-a-Dimes email subscriber, I’d be honoured if you subscribed to Daily Ink. To […]

The Rant, I Can’t, The Elephant and the Ant- On SlideShare

“I can do that without technology” -Actually no you can’t! Here is the Slideshare. The Rant, I Can’t, the Elephant, and the Ant View more presentations from David Truss. This was the presentation I first created for BLC08, and I wrote about it here. I’ve finally edited it for the web… a tedious task as […]

hidden pain

I’m back from a wonderful holiday… in 12 days we visited my sister and family in L.A., and went to San Diego where we visited the Wild Animal Park, Zoo, and SeaWorld (twice). We also went to Disney/California Adventure for 3 days. My kids had a fantastic time, and I found more joy in their […]


Kim Cofino writes on Twitter: Join us in our uStream session: Conversations about the Future of Learning in a Networked World. I click the link to uStream and find that 12 others have also joined her meeting, later there were 17 of us. Vance Stevens is talking and a participant in the meeting links […]

What did I do B.G. – Before Google?

The first time I saw the term ‘B.G.’ referring to ‘Before Google’ was in Karl Fisch’s ‘Did You Know’ presentation. Tonight that term came to life for me. Here is an eye-opening statistic I discovered about myself today: Total Google searches: 3633 (Since April 30th, 2006, and only counting when I have been signed into […]