My 2010 Edublog Awards Nominations

Just like last year, ‘I would like to thank the following people for contributing so much to my learning. I’m only nominating in categories where the impact has been powerful and potent. I’m also going to cheat and add a few ‘honourable mentions’: These may not mean much to the Edublog Awards, but they mean […]

The Rant, I Can’t, The Elephant and the Ant

This was my final presentation that I did at BLC08. I never ended up posting it and now I’ve just recently re-presented it for some student teachers at Simon Fraser University. [Update: July 20th, ’09 – new post with SlideShare available] Afterwards, I had them contribute to a VoiceThread, just like I did with the […]

Synthesize and Add Meaning

Going back to Time, (See Square Peg, Round Hole) Wesley Fryer’s ‘Moving at the speed of creativity’, refers to the Time cover story, How to Bring Our Schools Out of the 20th Century, in his post, 21st Century Education reform. In reference to this quote in the Time article: “In an age of overflowing information […]