Teaching is dead, long live the teacher!

Teaching is dead, long live the teacher! Technology is creeping into every classroom. I say ‘creeping’ because a large part of a typical student’s day at many schools can still be defined by activities involving paper, a pen or pencils, and worksheets or textbooks… Useful tools that should only have a small role in teaching […]


Not Yet Blended Learning

There is a lot of talk these days about Blended Learning. However: “Increasing student opportunities to engage with technology — such as teachers using flipped classroom strategies, a school computer lab, and computers using digital curriculum in the classroom – are all steps in the right direction, but don’t meet the full potential of blended […]

The COW is dead… Long live the POW?

This year has been quite transformational for me. I started the year Questioning Everything… especially the idea that we need to teach less and learn more. I’ve challenged late penalties, homework, and even AUP’s. I’ve talked about things becoming more open and distributed and I’ve even written an Open Manifesto. I’ve cautioned about flipping classes, […]

Investing in job redesign

I read this a little over 5 years ago: LEADING AMERICA’S SCHOOLS THROUGH REVOLUTIONARY TIMES by David Pearce Snyder, Consulting Futurist It’s pretty insightful for something that was first presented in 2003. This part continues to challenge my thinking: “Based on our 25-year scan of the business and technology press, plus our own IT consulting […]

I (Heart) Libraries

Belinda Kuck of Davis School District contacted me recently through my blog and said, “We are starting a 1:1 pilot in our district this year. I am the library media supervisor in our district and I would be interested in your thoughts about 1:1 and how libraries support students, teachers and curriculum and digital libraries.” […]