Who are your friends? Digitally vs face-to-face.

“…this ‘friend as co-learner’ role is not an automatic thing for students… It is a learned thing, and something we need to help students with. Schools are ideal places for this!” Many friends have inspired me to write blog posts in the last year. I’d guess that if you went back over any given year’s […]

“This is China” – Community

In my not-so-daily ‘Daily-Ink’ blog, I have a little series that I call ‘T.I.C.’ or “This is China“… A term our staff uses to describe interesting, wonderful, frustrating, and unique events that come with living as an ex-pat in a world very different than the one we come from. This morning I posted this photo […]

Product You

I won’t bore you with the stats, we all know that we are bombarded with advertising everywhere we look. We also know that we are being targeted better and better by advertisers wanting to part us from our money. When I was on Yahoo Mail, I was always targeted by my last name: Truss… So, […]

Google Buzz and George Costanza – Worlds Collide

In his weekly email newsletter, George Siemens wrote/quoted: This is one of the more insightful statements I’ve come across recently – What Google Could Learning From Goffman: “When we merge social groups together, we are challenged to manage our disclosures across these groups, which have different norms of propriety.” The social software I use regularly […]