Openness and Acceptance, Mr Deng and his Allegories of Windows, Flies and Coloured Cats

We just completed a vacation in Xi’an, one of China’s oldest cities and the starting point for the silk road. The silk road was the first gateway to and from the Orient, it was the first real global link to the ‘Eastern’ countries of India and China. Trade of spices and silk, as well as […]

Destinations and Dispositions

The adventures in China have begun, and I find myself learning life lessons that only a ‘foreign’ experience can offer. Yesterday we bought my youngest daughter a bed. I’m not sure if I’d call it a curse, but assembling IKEA furniture has always afforded me opportunities to test my patience and my tolerance towards inanimate […]

A letter to friends

Dear friend, I remember reading once that we, as human beings, have two consistent social difficulties, saying ‘hello’ and saying ‘goodbye’. Not in the general sense, but rather in getting to know someone and also in finding closure. This is easy enough to see with children getting to know one another. In the course of […]