Facilitating Successful Learning Through Failure
~ David Truss :: Blog :: Website :: (School info. below)
When is failure really a success? When we engage students in EPIC projects and challenges, the journey to success is often fraught with failures that can prove to be amazing learning opportunities.
Do we need to reexamine the use of the term ‘Failure’?
Our present education system is built around always finding the ‘right’ answer, but when can the wrong answer be valuable? How can we provide rich, meaningful opportunities for students to make mistakes, iterate, persevere and develop alternative approaches to problems relevant to what they are learning? In this session participants will engage in a team challenge, share stories of learning through failure, and co-develop some alternate language around what we really want to achieve when we discuss learning through failure.
Conversational Practice
My plan: Short intro. ‘The human string’ challenge. After that size matters:) – How big the group is will help determine the tools we use… Sharing session on learning through failure – group chat, table chat, or google doc Pick one success through failure story to discuss as group or at tables – explore desired learning that you want ‘from’ failure. (Digital or chart paper & post-its) Frame: We don’t want students to fail, but we want students to understand that when your try something epic, your pitfalls and challenges are where the real learning happens. So… Framing question: If we are facilitating successful learning through failure… what is it we are really wanting students to do and learn?
(Blog post for image. Image on Flickr.)
F.A.I.L. – Failure Always Invites Learning When is failure really a success? When we engage students in EPIC projects and challenges, the journey to success is often fraught with failures that can prove to be amazing learning opportunities. Do we need to reexamine the use of the term ‘Failure’?
Facilitating Successful Learning Through Failure #Educon Conversation
Conversation order:
Activity – Knot the Human String.
Definition: fail
1.be unsuccessful in achieving one’s goal.
2.neglect to do something.
3.break down; cease to work well.
Our language matters. We don’t actually want students to fail!
(Click for: “Transforming Our Learning Metaphors“)
My acronym:
Others suggested:
“Failure is a process, not a problem.” ~ Josh Abrams
About Inquiry Hub Secondary School:
Web Page ~ ‘The school‘ ~ ‘The Students‘
DCL Time ~ Useful Resources ~ Prize Application
Blog post on student project: “Relevance Amplifies Learning“
Quotes in the presentation taken from this presentation.