
Happy Holidays to everyone! On Thursday our school held our Holiday Concert. Below I’ve highlighted 2 of the performance videos. We called it our Holiday Concert, but in hindsight it was just a Christmas Concert. It wasn’t intentional, it was unintentional bias, but all of the songs performed were either Christmas songs, or songs that […]

Destinations and Dispositions

The adventures in China have begun, and I find myself learning life lessons that only a ‘foreign’ experience can offer. Yesterday we bought my youngest daughter a bed. I’m not sure if I’d call it a curse, but assembling IKEA furniture has always afforded me opportunities to test my patience and my tolerance towards inanimate […]

Hargreaves and the 4th Way [Part 2]

I first wrote about Andy Hargreaves and the 4th Way back in October, (with an important update added to the bottom of the post in early November). The pyramid below is updated from that post, taking feedback from Hargreaves himself. Administrators from our district met and discussed The 4th Way last Thursday and we were […]

Best Practice is still Practice

I spent most of my teaching career teaching at least one subject daily that I delivered to two different classes: The same lesson, repeated back-to-back. Many times the second class got the better deal. I tweaked, I edited, I improved what I did, and sometimes I even tried something completely different. But sometimes, things went […]