The LCD In Math, the Lowest Common Denominator (LCD) is a good thing… it allows you to simplify an equation and usually makes the work easier. (If you were looking for a Math post go here or here.) For the sake of this post the LCD is not good. Here, the LCD is when you […]
Category: lessons
Halloween Scavenger Hunt on Ning
Below is a Halloween Scavenger Hunt I did on a (private) Ning Network that I created for a class Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) project I am doing in my two Planning 10 classes. The scavenger hunt does the following: Introduces students to flickr and , and; It teaches them to insert and site a […]
More than one face to Cyberbullying in the classroom
I apologize in advance for the clinical nature of my description below… these are students currently in my class, and this blog is open for anyone to read. Background: Student 1 is male; Students 2 & 3 are female. Student 1 and 2 ‘dated’ earlier in the year. Student 1 and 3 are good friends… […]
“Who Have You Helped Today?” – Developing Empathy
Prelude Two Brothers, Craig and Marc Kielburger, are my modern day heroes. Tonight Marc is having dinner with Oprah Winfrey. The brothers’ US office is hosted by Oprah. They have had an audience with Mother Teresa. They have been featured on Oprah, CNN, CBC, BBC, and 60 Minutes. They are sought after speakers that have […]
A Giant Teaches Me About SUCCESS: a “what are your secrets to a successful life” meme
I’ve been tagged with a “what are your secrets to a successful life” meme by Kelly Christopherson. To be honest, I was dreading being tagged by a meme… I knew it was going to come eventually, but my writing process, my flow, seldom lends itself to creating lists… they are too linear for my big […]
Vandals, Vulgarity and Victims
Until last year, this odd negative/neon image was the only public image you could find of me on the web. In fact currently, many of my online sites still have this image. I like the photo, people who know me recognize me in it, and it was taken on a hot air balloon trip with […]
Assessment & Rote Learning: Math Conundrums
Thanks for visiting! Look at the sidebars on the right to find a variety of posts about education, technology and learning. You can also check out some other Math or assessment related posts, or connect with me at one of these sites: Multiply Two Negatives and You Get a Positive. So, I take ‘Rote Learning’ […]
SUCCESS(full) Presentation
success: Richard St. John (From TED) This isn’t only a presentation about what leads to success… it is also about presenting successfully. It is about how to use Powerpoint (or another presentation tool) effectively: Simple graphics, purposeful movement/animation, a single key word, effective use of bold font, a minimalist quote, good pacing, simple humour, and […]
Numeracy & Problem Solving: Process Producibles
Math Professional Development day with Peter Liljedahl: Two sessions 1. Exploring Producibles: Getting the Genie Back in the Bottle. 2. Assessing Numeracy: How do you Photograph the Wind? One of my goals for this year is to make Professional Development Days more useful. Too often I gather great information from a session and then ‘file’ […]
Candy Cultures – Reflections on a leadership activity
For a number of years I have used The Candy Cultures Activity, first as a multiculturalism activity, then as a leadership activity. I had a chance to experience it on two other levels recently. First, I ran the activity at our Pro-D with staff a week ago. I also shared it with the Student Leadership […]