Please welcome my daughters, new bloggers Cassie and Katie to the blogosphere.
Cassie has uploaded some photos of our Xi’an trip to tell you a bit about our recent vacation. Katie started her blog with 3 simple introductory sentences and an updated ‘About’ page. I’m not sure how much they will use their blogs yet? My hope is that they will chronicle their adventures here in China, however I don’t plan on making writing on their blog mandatory. They get enough homework here that I don’t want to add anything to their plate that they don’t want to do.
I was waiting for a friend to help me get my daughters set up on a blog. Turns out that my host, Bluehost, makes WordPress blog integration really, really easy and a quick Google search led me to this blog post with an instructional screencast to help me out.
I’ve added clustermaps and feedjit traffic feed information to their blog sidebars because I think an authentic global audience does a lot to maintain interest in blogging, as does getting comments and feedback. I try to – comment – on – student – blogs – regularly because I know how much it is appreciated.
If you have a moment, drop by and say ‘Hi’, or just click on their sites to give them a visit from your part of the globe. Comments are moderated, I’m letting Cassie moderate her own comments via her email address, with more supervision early and less as we go. I’ll be moderating Katie’s comments, showing her as I go. This should be fun!

Thanks for visiting my blog and joining in the conversation!
We have pics like this too from the Drum Tower in Xian. We really enjoyed our time there. So much history.