Opportunities, Access & Obstacles

Opportunities “You know the No. 1 complaint about school is that it’s boring because the traditional way it’s taught relies on passive learning,” Mr. Noguera said. “It’s not interactive enough.” Pedro Noguera (NYT) I just watched David Warlick‘s K12 Online Conference Keynote: Inventing the New Boundaries. Then I got an e-mail from Kris about an […]

ASK [for help] and Ye Shall Receive, SEEK [the right questions] and Ye Shall Find [the right answers].

On Tuesday I got to hear Chris Kennedy speak. He is a principal, teacher and somewhat of an unofficial district technology guru. His main message: “It isn’t about the Technology!” Good teaching practice transcends the use of technology. What technology can do is: create new ways to use and improve your skills as a teacher; […]