Adopting tools in a transformative rather than additive way

Years ago I was doing a presentation to high school educators and things didn’t go as planned: I started my presentation and within 30 seconds the power went out. I picked up my laptop and said to the 100+ audience members, “Ok, everybody gather around here.” ? I started a conversation about ‘What tech tool […]

Solving Interesting Problems

What interesting problems have you posed to students recently? What interesting problems have students asked you? Yesterday I was listening to Tim Ferriss interview Seth Godin on his 4 Hour Work Week podcast: ‘How Seth Godin Manages His Life — Rules, Principles, and Obsessions’. When I got to this quote, I noted the time on the show […]

Teaching is dead, long live the teacher!

Teaching is dead, long live the teacher! Technology is creeping into every classroom. I say ‘creeping’ because a large part of a typical student’s day at many schools can still be defined by activities involving paper, a pen or pencils, and worksheets or textbooks… Useful tools that should only have a small role in teaching […]

To the Citizens of BC

To the Citizens of British Columbia, Canada, How important is a good, free, public education system to you and to our society? How much should a collective ‘WE’ spend on creating the best possible public education for ALL of our children? Here are some graphs from Statistics Canada: Summary Elementary and Secondary School Indicators for […]


What does it mean to be ‘Locked Out’ and to be paid 10% less? “Effective May 26, 2014, and continuing until further notice, your members will be locked out as described in this letter,” Michael Marchbank, public administrator for the B.C. Public School Employers’ Association, said in a letter to teachers’ federation president Jim Iker. […]