“Release the Hounds” by Chris Harbeck

You can go to the K12Online page or to Chris’ wiki page. To put it simply… there is something here for everyone! Description This presentation takes participants along my journey into integrating 2.0 applications and “21st Century Learning” into my pedagogy. The presentation will show how teacher driven assignments and projects teach students some of […]

Opportunities, Access & Obstacles

Opportunities “You know the No. 1 complaint about school is that it’s boring because the traditional way it’s taught relies on passive learning,” Mr. Noguera said. “It’s not interactive enough.” Pedro Noguera (NYT) I just watched David Warlick‘s K12 Online Conference Keynote: Inventing the New Boundaries. Then I got an e-mail from Kris about an […]

K12 Online Conference 2007: Playing with Boundaries- (at your leisure)

Why should you participate in this online conference? It’s Free! You can participate when it is convenient for you. You can participate as much or as little as you like. You will ‘meet’ some very interesting people. It will challenge you to do “new things in new ways“. It will help you to improve your […]