Pushing and Nudging with Andy Hargreaves

I love how Andy Hargreaves always makes me think! See: The Fourth Way: The Inspiring Future for Educational Change Here are some great quotes, via my notes and Twitter conversations from our school district’s morning with Andy:   Literature says the best pro-d is job embedded, in your classroom, ongoing… #Hargreaves #sd43 via @HHG Excellence […]

Hargreaves and the 4th Way [Part 2]

I first wrote about Andy Hargreaves and the 4th Way back in October, (with an important update added to the bottom of the post in early November). The pyramid below is updated from that post, taking feedback from Hargreaves himself. Administrators from our district met and discussed The 4th Way last Thursday and we were […]

Hargreaves and the 4th Way

After reading The Fourth Way article in Educational Leadership/October 2008, by Andrew Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley, I’ve been trying to apply personal meaning to this new way. The 4th Way has five Pillars of Purpose, three Principals of Professionalism and four Catalysts of Coherence. But I think The 4th way rests firmly on just one […]