Yesterday I sent out some invitations to help me with my K12Online Conference presentation. Today I’ve decided to demonstrate some of the key points around making connections, having a valuable network, and being an active learner. So, I am asking YOU:
Please join me and be a part of my
Transforming Education presentation!
I’m hoping to get participants from all levels of education from students, to teachers, to administrators and district leadership, to parents. Have fun with this and share your views.
The presentation is called, ‘Transforming Education’ and it is based loosely on my ‘Broken or Transforming‘ blog post with an emphasis on being part of the change we want to see in education.
I have two learning intentions:
The first is to transform our language
and the way we speak about education.
The second is to have participants take action!
‘Taking Action’ can be demonstrated around 4 themes, and I have a question related to each theme that I’d like you to ANSWER ON VIDEO. The ‘Taking Action’ themes are: Explore, Engage, Connect & Lead.
Help me show others the value of being a connected, engaged and lifelong learner!
Here are the 4 questions that I’d love for you to answer. 3-6 sentences for each question is all I’m really asking for, more only if you are so inclined.
- Share your thoughts on the future of education . (Pie-in-the-sky look at exciting things that are positive & possible.)
- What advice would you give an educator wanting to engage in new ways to teach and to learn?
- What does it meant to be a connected/Networked teacher?
Lead: (At all levels)
- How do you lead the transformation? Or, what advice would you give an educator at any level about leading the change?
Special requests:
Here is a Powerpoint: Video And Digital Footprint Requests …to help guide you on two things regarding this video taping, (do you still call it taping?)
First, I’d like for you to be ‘off centered’ in the video frame, with a plain background. I’ve included two examples on the 2nd slide to give you an idea of what I mean.
Second, I’d like you to share your ‘digital footprint’ with me. You can design your own on the template provided or just tell me which links/identities you would like me to add and I’ll do it for you. Please save as a .avi or a .mov if you can… hopefully email will work for us, or you can try (Thanks for the tip Dean)! *Update: To clarify, the video should ideally be .avi or .mov, but the ‘digital footprint’ can be back to me in Powerpoint, or even pdf or jpg etc.
Also remember to have fun! 🙂
NOTE: I might just use one small clip in my K12Online Video, but I will use video of all four answers you share in a special location… more on this later… but know that your time will not be wasted and your leadership is appreciated and will be shared!
If you’ve read this far and are planning to send me a video, 1,000 thank you’s. I’m hoping to have everything by Saturday night, but I am happy to chat about getting a video from you later as well. Please let me know if you are planning to share! (Or just leave a comment- Thanks again!)