Teacher Google, Doctor Google

How many of you have googled instructions to repair or replace something in your home, garden, or vehicle? How many of you have googled an ailment to see what remedies are suggested? My guess is: All of you! Teacher Google (and Teacher YouTube): Doctor Google: There are computers using artificial intelligence that can read and […]

Twitter EDU – The Twitter Guide

Twitter EDU :: Your (FREE) One-Stop-All-You-Need-To-Know-Guide to Twitter I have been working on this book for over a year and a half, and it’s finally done! Get your free copy here. Here is a brief description of the book: Your One-Stop-All-You-Need-To-Know-Guide to Twitter. “The hardest part of Twitter is that it does not have a friendly […]

Scaling Out and Scaling Up Innovation

What do we, as leaders, need to do to scale innovation? From the C21 Canada ~ Shifting Minds 3.0 document, ‘Redefining the Learning Landscape in Canada’: As stated above, “The transformative view is that learning is a social process…” Later in the document, “There is no doubt that innovation is disruptive. But the disruption can […]

Faith in Humanity

One of the most beautiful quotes on religion, that resonates with me, comes from the movie ‘The Last Temptation of Christ’: “What do you think heaven’s like?” It’s like a wedding. God’s the bridegroom and man’s spirit’s the bride. The wedding takes place in heaven… …and everyone’s invited. God’s world is big enough for everyone. […]

Isolation vs Collaboration

“Educators who work in isolation improve incrementally, while educators who collaborate transform exponentially!” I said this in a Twitter Chat a few days ago in response to the question: “Why do you believe that a shared vision and belief system is important to transform education?” This was one of the Twitter Chat questions posed by […]