The Rant, I Can’t, The Elephant and the Ant

This was my final presentation that I did at BLC08. I never ended up posting it and now I’ve just recently re-presented it for some student teachers at Simon Fraser University. [Update: July 20th, ’09 – new post with SlideShare available] Afterwards, I had them contribute to a VoiceThread, just like I did with the […]

Hargreaves and the 4th Way

After reading The Fourth Way article in Educational Leadership/October 2008, by Andrew Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley, I’ve been trying to apply personal meaning to this new way. The 4th Way has five Pillars of Purpose, three Principals of Professionalism and four Catalysts of Coherence. But I think The 4th way rests firmly on just one […]

Who are the people in your neighbourhood?

I grew up watching Sesame Street and singing along to ‘Who are the people in your neighbourhood‘. Well the concept of neighbourhood has really changed for me. I showed this movie in Powerpoint format at one of my presentations at BLC08 this summer. Afterwards, I think it was one of 3 people, (Liz Davis, Laura […]

A Brave New World-Wide-Web! (The video version)

It is finally done! I had planned on first showing my video version of A Brave New World-Wide-Web Slideshow in Boston at BLC08. I did it on Mac Powerpoint and it did not convert easily to video… it wouldn’t even convert to PC Powerpoint without the timing messing up! I spent hours on this! I […]